Monday, May 24, 2010

Princess Paradise

So, for Miss H's first birthday I made her a cardboard castle. I used boxes from my sister's southern living orders (she is a consultant) bought some oops paint and was able to make one for fairly cheap. That is a whole separate post in and of itself. The castle is HUGE! It will take up a whole wall, easy.
(This is a pic of the castle from her bday. Excuse the tutus. I made them as well and will post about that later too!)

That is my inspiration for her playroom. Since she already has the castle, I am just going with the whole princess theme. Her playroom is long and rectangular which is already an issue and she has a couch and a love seat in there as well. So, there is a lot of furniture and an odd space. My goal is to re-arrange it to make it more cohesive and create a TON of storage so it is hopefully not always a wreck. Here it goes. We will see how it turns out!

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